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RE:Show him the way!
by Gautam nil on Jun 20, 2008 02:28 AM

Mr. Karthik,
Only your ignorance of technology, imagination and incapacity to think of expansion due to inadequte knowledge onmethods and procedures of course not due to you, but due to your inadequate education that is deprived of adequate thoughts based upon imagination you see others as stupid! I am an engineer worked in fields and I personally know how our engineers have stopped tapping the hydro elecrtric energy available in 90% of wastage of water into sea! Don't be reading books but visit sites to survey the sites applying brain to know how shabby are our engineers to avoid the wasting plenty of hydro elecr=tric power which will not only be self sufficient but also safe economical and easy to handle! Instead, just as goats jumping one after the other when first jumps into ditch is it a fashion to talk of nuke energy without knowing the potential dangers especially when terrorism, regional imbalance like Pakistan and China tec., besides earth quake danger to reactors. ? Use your brain responsibly by thoughts and imaginations instead of repeating the data whatever is told in theories!

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