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by gatzzz on Jun 20, 2008 03:38 AM

I don't think Mr Manmohan Singh is serving the Italian lady. She is the chairman of the congress party and is responsible for holding the party together and takes important decisions for the future of the party. She has been democratically elected as their Chairman of the party.

Keeping her nationality, character, everything else aside; Ms Sonia Gandhi is not so qualified to tell Mr Manmohan Singh on what to do being a PM. Being the Chairman of the Congress party, she would be lobbying for the party interest while Mr Manmohan Singh takes decisions. The main reason for him being chosen as the Prime Minister is because of the unabated respect he carries within the party and across the nation. The selection of Mr Chidambaram as the Finance Minister is the role played by Mr Manmohan Singh himself.

All in all, Mr Manmohan Singh has a job to do and is doing that. Sonia Gandhi's keen interest is making sure the party is reelected and lasts the full term. Both of them are playing their part in this huge crutial decision for the nation.

I pretty well know that Nuclear deal is for the good of the nation and it has to be done ASAP. But B*tching about that would do any good. We being the citizens of this democratic country have a critical role to play. We pretty well know what is good for us and our country and thus can make our decision exercised when the next poll comes. If you want to teach a lesson, tech when you get the power coming season of elections.

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Prime minister may resign over n-deal