No disrespect meant to Mrs. Sonia or her family, but this seems to be a very bad idea. As of now, Mrs. Sonia Gandhi has not shown the leadership qualities required to run a country properly. She might be a better president of the Congress party, but not for the country, basically because she does not have the potential to do it, and if at all she does, it is yet to be shown.
There has been no Political Leader since our former PM Rajiv Gandhi, who has commanded the respect of the whole of India, irrespective of religion, caste, regionalism and such narrow aspects. He had been a real visionary who was recognised by all sections of the Indian and Internationsl societies. Our need at this hour is to search for and bring up such a person, clean in Image, bold at heart, impartial in decisions, and courageous to take harsh steps inside the country and outside. This can be done only if the National and regional political parties try for it keeping aside their petty differences and narrow minded selfishness. Unless this happens, our country wont go ahead.