YOu are completely wrong. I dislike the Congress but I think this is a very good deal for India. There are several good features that are hated by the anti-proliferation lobby.
1) we use foreign uranium for the energy plants. This leaves precious domestic uranium for weapons. 2) We get fuel from multiple sources - France and Russia for eg are not the kind of countries who would dump India if the US ever wanted them to. 3) India is getting stronger with every day and cannot be bullied. It was already very difficult to armtwist us even 10 years ago when Clinton was President. We are as interested in being wooed by the US given their worries about China as they are in wooing us. This helps us get tech and other favors we would not otherwise get. 4) We are not really independent in our foreign policy even right now. It is just a myth that we are! Everyone from Iran to Kerala's Muslim League decide what our policy should be!!! Aligning with the West actually makes us stronger and more independent contary to the convention wisdom of the Communists. 5)We are not disallowed from testing. And even right now we wont test anyway unless China or Pak do. And when they do the world will perfectly understand if we followed them to protect out security.