U r right Anil. It is the right time to call a spade a spade. Leftist need to be tamed in their own den. They r enjoying the fruits of power witout sharing the responsibilities of the Government. Their back seat driving is taking country to no where. Our PM is through gentleman. He certainly feling the suffocation among bunch of political crroks (not all). Mr. Lalu Pd is a surprise pacakage in this whole political game when he tried to call the bluf of the leftists. Bihar is breft of leftists jargon due to clever tactics of Laluji when he was in power. Other parties should come togetehr on the nuclear deal with US and support Dr. MM Singh in his endeavour. Otherwise the egg will be not onthe face of the UPA Government alone but the whole Indian Nation. My last word is for BJP- Support Mr Singh or loose a hisorical opportunity in the midst of Political Opportunism.