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RE:Don't do it
by trakajay on Jun 20, 2008 05:17 PM

his capabilities are visible to everybody,shameless bunch of political parties with expertise in doing scams and killing the 65% kissans or farmers for a handful of big business men for SEZ,industries totally neglecting the agriculture sector and now responsible for weakening the national currency by their high pitch own efforts-remember kamalnath words-and putting blame on oil prices and showing that it has happened all over the world is height of u calculate how much money you shell out in the garb of service tax per month?????calculate and then think what this gvt has done to your life,your budget and everything.since they do not pay for anything-100% haramkhors of great india why should they bother how much u pay for electricity or petrol or sabji or dal roti.
they travel in ambani;s jets or malayas jets for asking,wed their daughters in 5 stars and sea beaches ,spend lakhs on fire crackers so why shud they care for you.we bloody indians are are no body for our country .one day you will be taxed -service tax-for getting your head out of your window .next party will come to face and eat the crop sowed by these buggers.there only priority is reservation and SEZ and how to survive five years.u like iot or not but when u can not educate ur child or feed them properly then u feel the pinch not befor

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