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RE:Cost of nuclear power (From Wikipedia)
by tathya on Jun 20, 2008 08:28 AM

Sameer,thanks for the different info. you are providing.And as far Mr.Ouch!this argument that coal is worst fuel etc,and we can walk of the deal etc is naive.For ur info coal contributes to the max.power generation in India and west dos'nt have coal reserves as India has and hence this propaganda.Secondly walking out of deal is not that easy.We are tied almost in perpetuately.U must have read about the anology of crawling and bending.The best option is walk stright..Dependance on Oil is also equally bad.There are reports that Indian brains are equaly contributing to developments of clean fuels(like Hydrogen etc)in US varasities and research institutes etc. Once this all hangama over N-Deal is over it is responsibility of Scientist,planners and think tanks(more importantly Media should do probing studies,built pressure on issue than sensationalising news for TRIP Tating etc.) to sit and think seriously on how to go about for energy security.This is easily said than done knowing well our Indian mindset.But then there is no choice....So tighten the belts .....

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