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PM should quit over nuclear deal,. not inflation
by Siddhartha Banerjee on Jun 20, 2008 02:40 PM

People you have to understand that the infaltion curremtly taking place is due to the ever rising cost of crude which is affecting markets and economies world over not just in India. In fact our PM is farsighted and has realised that an energy crisis may be in the offing.Which is why he wants to go in for the nuclear deal which will ensure a lot of independence from coal and crude in power generation. The PM has terrific vision of the future and I think we should respect him for that. You say that the nuclear deal will make us dependent on the U.S but right now we are dependent on Saudi Arabia, etc. for our crude aren't we. Moreover the Govt. aren't fools and I am sure that the U.S. will have minimum control over out Nuclear installations. Also we need not go to U.S. for fuel, there are several countries in the NSG (nuclear suppliers group) and eventually with tech. we will be able to utilise the vast nuclear fuel reserves which we already have.

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Prime minister may resign over n-deal