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Good going Mr.Prime Minister
by keith pavlak on Jun 20, 2008 01:29 AM

Finally, some balls ! good going Mr.PM. India as a nation is the master of procrastination and we delay taking any decision good or bad. Mr.Narasimha Rao even made it into a policy "Taking no decision is also a decision". I can very well understand that you have staked your personal reputation on the nuclear deal and your credibility is unblemished. It is about time you call not only the buff of the left but also your own party members. For better or worse you have a few allies supporting you all of whom cannot see beyond the next election. You have obviously seen the impact analysis of going forward with the deal and also the repurcussions of it. I am sure as an academic you have seen the cold hard facts of it and I for one am willing to hedge my bets with you considering we have hedged our interests with far inferior prime ministers barring your immediate predecessor, Rajiv Gandhi,Lal bahadur Shastri and Indira gandhi. By not going ahead with a deal that we proposed we not only shoot ourselves in the foot but endanger any other deal we might want to sign in the future with any other nation. At a time when we are surrounded by nations arming themselves to the teeth we should not give a perception that we are indecisive and weak in taking decisions. Go ahead and make the call, we are with you.

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Prime minister may resign over n-deal