A new department for Homeland Security should be created, it should be lead by some as Narendra Modi or with similar values.
I am sure after the last unexpected defeat, BJP will clean up its act and deliver for the common Indian citizen.
BJP's image has been tarnished by Congress as extremist Hindutva party. Nothing wrong with having pride of being a Hindu in Hindustan. Hindus must scream on top of their lungs of their rich culture and heritage and History. Every country and religion does it. Poor submissive Hindus have been suppressed for too long. Hindus DO NOT believe in killing non-believers.
BJP has been given a bum rep. I felt very proud of being an Indian and a Hindu when they were in power. They like any other party need to bring in new and young blood. The OLD members should become advisors instead of repeating history of 'tehalka'.