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American proposed nuclear plant scrapped due to cost
by Sameer on Jun 20, 2008 06:57 AM

MidAmerican drops Idaho nuclear project due to cost

Tue Jan 29, 2008 1:15pm EST Email | Print | Share| Reprints | Single Page| Recommend (1) [-] Text [ ]

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#1 FX Broker - Shares Mag 2007 NEW YORK, Jan 29 (Reuters) - MidAmerican Energy Holdings Co's MidAmerican Nuclear Energy Co said it has decided to end its pursuit of a nuclear power plant in Payette County, Idaho, because it would cost too much.

A spokesman for MidAmerican said Tuesday the company informed local elected officials of its decision on Jan. 25, posted the notice on its Web site and sent letters to Payette County residents.

"Consumers expect reasonably priced energy, and the company's due diligence process has led to the conclusion that it does not make economic sense to pursue the project at this time," Bill Fehrman, President of MidAmerican Nuclear Energy Co, said in the letter to Payette County residents.

Do google search with key words in the article

Bottom line- Nuclear energy is expensive

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