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A nuclear deal
by Bishwa NathSingh on Jun 20, 2008 08:42 AM

The proposed nuclear deal sponsored by the Congress Party & Our Prime Minister presuming it to be the best deal in the best interest of our country, all coalition partners of UPA lead Union Govt. should support it irrespective of political differences in their ideologies that are what ethics of coalition say! RJD, DMK & NCP Chief are openly supporting this nuclear deal sponsored by the Congress -main constituent of UPA the centre. The Left Parties who too are supporting the UPA lead Union Govt. from outside without joining Union Ministry opposing it, should come forward with their view-points as why they are against it. If left are still against nuclear deal inspire of persuasion by many Union Ministers, they are most welcome to come out with their view points as why they differ at their earliest! The sacrifice of left parties who had declined to join any birth in Union Ministry should not be overlooked rather must be viewed with reverence’s it just because of either political stunt keeping in view of ensuing Parliamentary election or personality clash or differences in ideologies or something unwarranted in this deal? We would love to have full facts from the left parties on this count to clear many misgivings in our minds.Even,the Congress leader Dig Vijay Singh had said in his T.V.interview that he is not aware as why left are opposing this nuclear deal. We are aware fully that the prestige of UPA lead Union Govt. headed by Dr. Man Mohan Singh is at stake

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Prime minister may resign over n-deal