The strength of every civilisation is in the mentality and attitude of the people who are beneficiaries of the civilisation. No one reveres something projected as primitive- remember the British description- "India (only!) as a country of snakecharmers, beggars and festivals (obviously) nothing else...this suited the British to import their (modern)civilisation to India and create devotees for it sing praises in colleges, schools, universities, cultural organisations etc...where the British could not give comparative ancient records Viz a Viz Indian civilisation they alluded it to the Greeks and Romans thus completely knocking out India......look at the Indian booker prize winners and the educated who copy the Greek Astrology and Astronomy to appear educated as even mentioning Indian Heritage or alluding its role itself would have cast them in to a bracket of primitivity. This suited the communists and all foreign religions in their conversion spree...The moment majority of the influential and educated common man in India believe in the uniqueness of their civilisation and religions they would not be able to convert-no one likes to convert to a less modern and civilised religion....this is why they cannot convert to many people in metros and they choose tribal belts....where vulnerable people without education, literacy and livelihood can be told anything and induced with some food&clothing to change their religion-US Universities are doing more for Indian Heritage than ours