Sir, The article has been introspective. The vigourous civilization that thrived in India in the Vedic age has been in decline ever since the Greeks invaded India. The decline of the Indian systems of learning, enquiry and education had been under attack ever since. What one sees of the values in some old people and in some areas are only vestiges of that glorious past. What one sees as a general condition is a complete debasement of not only the pristine wisdom but also of the corruption of the fundamental values that mark the character of an entire people and the nation. This is reflected in our elected leaders. In election after election the people who get elected are seen with coarse venal and completely debased sense of values. The referendum on the nuclear deal in the parliament has reminded the people that this body canot be trusted to serve the good of the people. We as a people have completely debased our heroes. We have all kinds of labels to trivialise our Gods, our literature and our past. Is it any wonder that India, even with the vast mass of humanity, hardly counts for anything other than for its potential for exploitation like so many heads of farm animals.