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Suspend the Constitution and Impose Miltary Rule
by Khandu Patel on Aug 06, 2008 04:47 AM

As civilisations go Bharat had its place in the sun in ancient times, as some others which had left greater marks on world history. In size and extent of influence in the ancient world none compare to Bharat except China. The fact remains that neither Bharat and China have shaped the world as we know it today.

Francois expresses frustrations that ancient Bharat that survives into the present age is hapless in dealing with the challenges of the modern age. It is one thing for a country a like Bharat to have preserved its ancient culture and languages but another as with China which has maintained an unbroken chain of independence from foreign rule. That is a statement in itself because a country only comes under the rule of another from decay within and a failure to adapt. Bharat is hapless before the forces that have shaped her from the many years of often brutal rule under Islam that preceded the British one.

As Francois knows Rome brutally imposed a Roman stamp on ancient Gaul which enabled France to carry the baton of civilisation when Roman power was extinguished. France has been none the worse for leaving behind its Gaulist past.

Half measures as with Bharat are bound to fail. Democracy that allows terrorists to escape prescription as with SIMI requires the foundation of the state to be revised totally.
Bharat no less than the terrorist who exploit the free society that has come especially the advantage used by terrorist

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India: A weakening civilisation