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RE:self pity is dangerous
by Kris iyer on Aug 02, 2008 08:34 PM

Abdul Kaleem, A good post that carries relevant points. Yes, India is not the only country suffering from terrorism, corruption and loss of ethics. They are found in most parts of the world. Drug addiction and high level of violent crimes are now serious worries in many "avanced" countries.
I support your point that here in India we should think positively and not start "lamenting" too readily. I noticed that even our media would have such headlines as: "BSE Crashes by 5 points" or "BSE soars by 5 points". Always from one extreme to another. Like in Bollywood movies, one moment everyone is laughing, dancing and when the next scene opens, within a minute somebody is crying her eyes out, wailing very loudly. You can hear it outside the cinema hall!!
Self-pity will spoil resolute and wise actions. Let us not give up thinking ways of improving ourselves and our country.

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India: A weakening civilisation