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by Arjun on Aug 02, 2008 04:48 PM

The countless islamic terrorist attacks on India in last 5 years is just the beginning. The worst is yet to come. After 200 years, the plunder of India by arabs-jihadis has just RESTARTED. And there isn't a true Bharatiya King-Leader to fight it off.

Indian kings were divided in year 700AD when jihadis came to India. Indian Kings could not unite and fight-off the evil. The Jihadis took afganistan then pakistan then bangladesh then Kashmir over a period of 1000 years. They have resumed the invasion again now. India is still not united and will not be able to fight-off this renewed invasions by islami jihadis even though India has a population of 1 Billion, 4th largest army, weapons etc etc. We only have innumerable corrupt bureaucrats, over-weight police, out-dated intelligence services, british written Indian history, psuedo-seculars, Chinese agents, CIA agents and visionless-selfish policitians. No wonder almost every Indian wants to mimic successful and strong western civilisation such as US and western Europe. So damaged is psyche of common hindu Indians that almost every one here wants to get rid off their dark skins by applying fairness creams to their skin and look white, talk in English and queue-up outside western embassies to go-work-live abroad. How can such a demented civilisation survive?

Sorry Mr Gautier, Indian civilisation is doomed. Another 60-100 years it would be all over.

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
India: A weakening civilisation