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An Indians Responsibility
by Guest on Oct 26, 2008 06:48 AM

We are constantly seeking protection , fear of destruction rules us.The nature has made every living thing like that only. We fail to understand the thought process of our neighbor, but fear him or love him.But are we recognizing him ,appreciate him, as he is .We fail to understand fully what is happening in China or US now, even with 300 news channels .So what we assume about the past is all very bits and pieces let us not fight over it.But the reality of nature is that weak will perish, those who are without any planning to protect themselves will be the easy pray whether it is a country, individual or religion.The world has changed so much now, no country will think of attacking another country and ruling it .We are now in consumption era and we want now all others to consume what we make, make money more money more money greed drives the world and it is bound to destroy it.Having born in one culture ,(please don't confuse with culture and religion) and fight each other, it is the duty of every Indian born Hindu Christian and Muslim to protect the Indian culture thoughts and diversity. The responsibility is more for a Hindu.I Wish all the best For Mr Francois who is reminding this responsibility to every Indian of all religion.The philosophy of Hinduism has many dimensions, it definitely has remedy to many of the problems we face today in a society over driven by greed consumption and exploitation of all resources

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India: A weakening civilisation