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All is over
by nandu sarma on Aug 27, 2008 01:59 PM

Sir, I feel really sorry for myself, my country and my country men!!! We are moving very fast toward complete darkness!! Alas I cant do anything!!! When I read articles by people like you, be it on anti-brahminism, be it on seclar fabric of a hindu, be it on any other issue of national significance, I can only say I feel humbled that we as Indians are unable to do anything for our country yet people like you, like David Frawley, Koenraad Elst, Stephen Knopler are raising voices for us!!! It fills me with great sorrow, and great sadness that I cant do anything about it but cast one vote which might even go insignifacnt with the loosing side!!! Huhh, Democracy!! I see my fellow brahmins, my fellow indians suffer and cant do anything but sigh with sorrow!!! We lost our identity, thanks to the British!! We split out mother-land, thanks to our freedom fighters!! We lost our character, thanks to our contemporary politicians!!! We hindus cant protect out temples, we hindus cant protect our Vedas, we hindus cant protect our kith and kin from swaying far away from our tradition and culture, we hindus cant do anything even when we are being ridiculed by the world around us. Thank you sir, for raising your voices for us. Thanks to you and all others who still see light at the end of the tunnel. There can be thousands of BJPs, millions of RSSs, thousands of Shiv Senas but I think we lost this battle long long ago!!! I see nothing but darkness in future!!!

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India: A weakening civilisation