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by rajesh prajapati on Jul 24, 2008 03:51 PM

If Somnath was a traitor all along, why did it take the commie dictators so long to throw him out? His affection for western lifestyle and love for italian dishes was not acquired during the trust vote !! "His defection was known a long time ago as when interviewed by noted chinese daily GAOLIN Times....." ,, so why was he not expelled then, you doublespeaking commies! It was when he upheld the Indian constituition above the party constitution that he was made a scapegoat for the adventurism of the party secretary general !!! These intelligent, argumentative reds will go to any length to justify their rigid dogmatic stand. It is difficult to ask them to wake up as they are the modern day Gandharis, with a deliberate black band (oops, sorry red band!) over their eyes!

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Murmurs of dissent in CPM over Somnath