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by Rajendra Nayak on Jul 23, 2008 08:28 PM

If at all you hear from BBC or CNN then one can trust them. Indian met offices are fit for nothing except to give wrong warnings which never come true.
R.K. Laxman had come out with a cartoon in 'You said it' wherein he had celarly drawn only one person in the street getting wet whereas all the persons on the road were with raincoat and umbrella. Accumulation of water is also seen. The lady tells the old man of you said it that "This man getting wet must be from Met Office". When they say clear sky there will be 200 to 250 mm of rainfall and when they say heavy rains there will be bright sunshine.
Hail Indian Met Office. Let them go on announcing that there will be no rains and next day it will start raining heavily.

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Rains will hit Maharashtra by July-end