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RE:@ Golden and other muslim friends
by JGN on Jul 23, 2008 01:15 PM

ransaran, pl read what is written by Mr. Irfan Husain in Dawn (a Pak news paper):

"In Pakistan, no new churches or temples have been permitted, and even when a church was approved in Islamabad, local mullahs made construction impossible.

Indeed, the treatment of minorities in Pakistan is a blot on our claim to civilisation.

Given these double-standards, it is understandable that Westerners should be increasingly resistant to encroaching Muslim practices in their countries.

And frankly, Muslims do not make things easier: groups like Al Muhajiroon in Britain openly demand that the country should be turned into an Islamic state.

The involvement of scores of young Muslims in terror plots does little to further the cause of religious harmony.

And of course, this kind of mindless violence gives racists an excuse to dramatise and exaggerate the threat it actually poses.

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Why Obama wants better Indo-Pak ties