you are having some wrong ideas. islam much more excellent than you can ever think. its excellence has been well approved and accepted by the entire world. only some selfish people who dont want to give islam this credits are trying to demonise islam.
first go and read your own scriptures and mythology. where does these ASURAS come from. they dont believe in your gods so they are bad. there may be so many ways according to hinduism as they dont believe in truth. truth has only one way. even if you say this in so many times, it will give you only one idea, the FACT...
if you will go to moksha no matter what then what is this naraka for? any one who says wrong for hindu dharma is ADHARMI. worship any one, any thing you are hindus. ifyou dont you are ADHARMI..
adharmi will go to hell fire. well said in hindism....
gods even fight each other. some sects dont believe in god and think karma will take you to heaven or hell. what karma, who will decide sacrifices even human sacrifices is recommended in hindism. read your scripture. and this is a veyr pious deed. what good you are talking man.
yes, God says it doesnt make any difference to God ifyou bow or not. but if you bow it is good for you. if you dont work, your boss will not die but you will be fired.