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IB/RAAW, they all know...
by First Last on Jul 19, 2008 11:39 PM

the group protecting the dera-chief is the same group of over 300 paki islam!c terrorists,

who were freed from jail by then congi-CM of punjab, at the insistence of madame and mms,

given fake sikh/hindu voter ID cards, and

put in to work for this the dera-chief.

this group mostly lives in the dozens of locations owned by the dera,

and protects dera-chief,

and provides political-support to the congi-dera combine, bodyguards the chief,

rapes a few women on the way, and murders others.

but due to the deliberate Z-PLUS-CATEGORY SUPPORT provided by madame to the dera-chief,

nobody in the indian-admin dare raise a voice or a finger against the dera and his paki-terrorist-bodyduards.

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
Haryana: 1 killed in Sikh-Dera clashes