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by raj on Jul 17, 2008 03:59 PM

thats the part the government hasn't spoken about. guarantees, and one sided deal - withdrawal of support from usa halfway. and can we go to the other countries for nuclear supply.

usa has formed coteries. they have ganged up like the old days - its the economic cold war now. china, russia and guys like iran, libya are on one side. commies, scumbags like sudan/ darfur - where china is playing truant.

india is left midway, neither with usa, nor with russia. like the old days of NAM. which kinda sucks - even though we are right. we have made many a mistakes, and somewhere between 75 and the 90s, we screwed up bigtime with bilateral relations. we were "koop-mandooks".

given the bad blood between bjp and congress - the way everyone treats bjp ( press and congress) as a communal party and dont want anything bjp. like for eg. somnath - who's supposed to be an impartial speaker.
its no wonder that we dont have a coherent foreign policy till date - how will we with so much discord inside, we have no time for a foreign policy. and probably the reason why bjp need not support this deal, and also should not.

the worrying thing is we dont have any visionary. rahul gandhi the heir apparent is worrying. same with bjp with not many young leaders. there's nothing left in left. regional parties are totally selfish. we need the big 2 to clean up their act.

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Is the N-deal good? Debate rages