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RE:Is the N-deal good? Debate rages
by abarna banerjee on Jul 17, 2008 10:11 PM

I agree with the points taken.
In addition. I would like to say- that why not go ahead & advance solar source of energy/ Let government provide resource to research on that - Rather buying old /reactors from US & letting our country to be used as a dump yard of nuclear waste causing/breeding ground for cancer & other unknown source of diseases. So why waste time energy & money on something which is known all over the world is not a safe way of producing energy- While USA - it self is trying get out of it and implement a clean source of energy. What interest this UPA Govt. has that by hook or crook they want have this agreements - Ignoring myriads of urgent problems the country is facing - like inflation. Threat from terrorists the list can go on & on. It so sickening that well educated people is sacrificing their country for their personal interests. It is sickening!

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Is the N-deal good? Debate rages