1) USA is planning to get 50% energy via solar and wind in till 2025 yr. then why we are in hurry of nuclear power. we are getting more sun light then USA 2) Right now we are generating jsut 2.3% Nuclear energy, 65% coal energy, 25% hydro and aorund 7% natural resources.. then why it is so much imporatnt. 3) Nuclear energy required high investment, where we can get small power station in low cost in each rural area may be wind farm or solar farm and can get electricty easily.. tranmission lost 38% energy when they travel long distance but small unit locally can drop this to 5% 4) Right now crude cost 150 dollar and it may go on in coming yrs.. nuclear power will help us in 2020 or 2022, till that how our economy will survive.. ? small solar penal and wind farm can help easily in jsut few days setup. 5) USA economy is about 13 trilion dollar and india around 1 trilion dollar they can sepnd huge money india cant easily spend... 6) We had lots of cattle which can help in bio gas production in each village.. 60% india living in village which can finish good amount of power requirement 7) combinely wind energy, solar penal, hudr power at sea cost, bio gas, can contribute good amount of requirement for indian house hold..
and present energy we can use for commecial consumption.. with low cost, clean environmetn and long time this can help us...