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by sethu madhavan on Jul 18, 2008 02:00 PM

But we have a population of 110 crores already, and we have to explore all options, including nuclear energy, to overcome the power crisis. Moreover, the nuclear deal is a long term step for using the vast Thorium deposits India have (32% of total world resources) in the third stage. This will be possible only after Uranium-based Ist stage and Plutonium-based IInd stage. If Congress is showing undue haste, the Left are blocking it only on ideological basis; and BJP merely on opportunism. If BJP were in power today, they would have gladly gone ahead with the deal, because they were more eager to befriend US, Israel etc. Please recall the efforts of Vajpayee & Jaswant Singh.

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
Is the N-deal good? Debate rages