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by Dinesh Harappa on Jul 19, 2008 01:43 AM

We hear, "China won't object, France will support ahead of IAEA meeting, U.S. will do everything in its power to push it through very fast against time constraints," etc. How nice, suddenly we got great friends! What do these statements indicate? That the big-5 is very desperate to rope in India into a status of non-nuclear states, which will justify their forcibly dismantling India's nuclear facilities in the near future. None of these supportive powers agreed to making India a Security Council member. They objected fiercely. What India has today is many traitors and espionage agents at the highest and middle levels of the government working relentlessly to manipulate and intimidate the intellectual class. The common man as usual is bewildered by all this fuss. People like Dr. Kalam unnecessarily voice support to this deal. They do not have any qualification to do so. This is a national sovereignty, independence and security matter, not a technical or scientific debate. Dr. Manmohan Singh is not a decent man. After all, he jumped to the prime minister's post to work under a foreign lady. A real patriot would have refused to be subservient to a foreigner leading the country. For the Hindus, this deal is lethal. India will be permanently reduced to the status of Pakistan. You can say goodbye to any comparisons with China. China is a big power aspiring to soon become a superpower. India has to be very very subservient to China from nowon.

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Is the N-deal good? Debate rages