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India is poor country
by fun guy on Jul 18, 2008 10:14 AM

Do you think congress/commies/BJP will take the country forward? You should remember one thing that congress is responsible for this entire crisis. Though India has got lot of intellectuals in world still India is far backward in technological capability. (refer WIPO world intellectual property organization statistics). These so called Harvard education economists are good at do business. They will sell the India at a great price. They don't have good vision to take India forward. India means not few billionaires but it is majority of poor who is in hunger. Government should concentrate on providing affordable quality life to poor at the same time concentrate on building technological capability of India. Further it will lead to provide better livelihood for all. Technology is the only way to provide good education, health care, safe water, food and everything today. Not just attracting third rated IT jobs/BPO to India and spoiling the powerful youth population.

Suppose if some one develops some technology, he has to continuously do research and upgrade the technology otherwise it will become obsolete.
The person importing technology no need to worry about the R&D. but only thing is the he has to buy another new technology or upgrade from the same supplier if the operation viability is lost.
The same rule is applicable to the Indian Sarkari scientist.
They are not fit for R&D. they are always interested in monthly salaries and pension. No accountability too.

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