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Pathetic Country's Pathetic Prez
by Yusuf Ahmad on Jan 29, 2008 11:37 AM

this country has conducted so many nuclear tests, their cars are among the most fuel consuming variants, and they advcoate the use of cleaner energy sources, Why?? so that they can continue using unclean energy sources..,
But we are also responsible for this. The most dangerous way in which we are exploiting the nature is we are cutting lot of trees daily for news papers. What is there in the news papers except shit... Some idiots write shit and circulate .. and others like us read that shit. We have radio, TV, websites kind of non polluting mdeia, When there is lot of shit available on blogs of many websites then what is the need to cut trees for printing news papers and magazines which are costing nature dearly.
If at all we have any concern for nature, then we should immediately stop buying newspapers magazines etc.
Otherwise nature knows how to retaliate..nature is much much powerful than man... nature will show this power in the form of floods, climate warming etc.

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