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RE:RE:RE:RE:Appeal to US Hindus!!!
by Ajeet on Jan 27, 2008 07:44 PM

ya...atleast we dont go to some place out of this country and try ro do something which has no one knows why u do it...u urself dont know it??
atleast we have sculptures and we worship it....its just in ur mind...if u want to find god..u can even find it in an uncarved stonenot like you ( its so big that it cannot be seen and carved out) come a god can clame themselves ss big...none of our gods clame themselves to be very big...we worship there values...every god represent a human values. for you everything revolves around eat jihad and you sleep jihad...and everyone does it in there own way...only u r happey in your religion and everyone else is unhappy from you...give it a though,why it is happening??

and you are unhappy from everyone beacuse you want everyone to be like yourself...and thats not possible....this religion came from sands ..where there was no good life..that why it is so brutal..atleast we dont go to interfere into others many times any hindu has asked about existence of Allah...
Kepp doing it and you will spent your life just feeling insecured the way you have lived it till now.

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