The naturally occurring excellence has to be rightly identified, for which identifier should be competent to rightly spot the excellence as it is never tied with multi degrees! Don't go by the false statistics prepared by present multi graduates, who just to avoid crisis management, throw some figures! Go and run from village to village if your brain has drained, to personally witness the extent of poverty in entire nation and consequent miseries amidst large majority of India! The present brain drain amidst those so called luminaries with multi degrees, many from abroad and corruption are entirely responsible for such chaotic state of affairs in the nation! Only the result can conclude the effectiveness or capabilities of the managers of the nation! Of course, those with brain drain can easily win bread outside as the level of intellect is comparatively very low, which can be inferred from one single matter of Iraq handled so clumsily, resulting in massacres of lakhs of innocent people for nothing and spread of terrorism to other parts of the world! Let those who settle in US may not feel proud as they are also equal to local brain drains, out of which the excellence has to be located by really competent, only when the nation will register real progress! Read the Poem by Thomas Gray for locating the excellence!