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How about Sulabh Sauchalaya B pathak's Initiatives ?
by D goel on Jan 25, 2008 04:35 PM

Pkl. Afternoon 4.50pm Friday, 25th jan. 2008
Iam in full disgust about the asseverations Mr Jain makes on the sordid perpetuation of filth and hypocrisy relating to lives of the subhuman degradation of Scavengers of India , despite Gandhi and his votaries holding their condition's amelioration as the top priority.
We are good at words. Mulkraj Anand wrote Untouchable with Gandhi's obvious approval , it had good marketing , things stayed as always as they do.
I wonder if the fanfare that UNESCO ande GOI of India gave to Sulabh Shauchalaya of B. Pathak
was only Media hype, why it has not been made to lessen this disgrace ,so far. Is it economics of service and costs that stops GOI
in not realistically stamping this abomination ,outfrom our lives?D. Goel

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How can this disgraceful situation conti