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CIA see's Threat from Boon,Not from Brave.
by mahesh lakshminarayan on Jan 18, 2008 04:02 PM

When Indian Security Officials Reported about Terrorist Camps in Afganistan before 9/11,CIA's were deaf.Now when PAK Soil undergoes changes in Leadership they worry since they shiver from the effect of 9/11.India on the other hand is experiencing terrorist attacks from breed of Pak-Afgan Millitants for many years.The U.S Goverment must atleast foresee its operations against foriegn lands which they intentionally or non intentonally support.Their National Budgets are ending up inside Militry Leaders Pockets(like Mushraff).Why dont they raise ban on IMF benifits which these terrorist states(Pak,Iran) are receving.

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Al Qaeda, Mehsud behind Bhutto death:CIA