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RE:Pathatic condition of Sri Lanka
by Tamil on Jan 12, 2008 09:53 PM

I hope what Faceless said is true...

What is happening is Srilanka is purely a racist one...

We were in hope when Ranil signed a peace deal with LTTE that the small island will be a jewel in Indian Ocean...

Again Mahinda have made the island a bloody war region...

lot of corruption ...recently Sri Lankan Air CEO was asked to leave the country Mahinda was not given a seat from London to Colombo..

I request Sinhala ( Soft ) brothers to overthrow Mahinda and place Ranil in the President post...

Ranil is bit west oriented and will bring peace and prosperity to that island...This is a Tamil's view from India...

Kindly post more truth what is happening in that island..

No law
No freedom of speech
daily Tamils are kidnapped and killed..
Daily Army bombs Tamil areas...

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LTTE chief may be injured, says Lanka