Former Minister of Health and Women's Affairs in Sri Lanka and current MP Renuka Herath has recently revealed a sensitive fact that 35% of Sri Lankan women have become widows as a direct result of war creating a fear and shock all over the Island. She says that the figure can be much higher since a survey has not been carried out recently.
He also released some statistics adding that the Island is in utter chaos. No solutions have been granted to any of the people problems. People are starving due to high cost of living. Since 2005, the price of rice has risen by 84%, milk powder by 78%, bread by 65%, gas by 115% and coconut by 66% , she pointed out.
Together, this lone statistics itself clearly tell the casualties of SL Army in the war, whereas every time of clash with Tamil Tigers GoSL claims a minimal casualty.
Better we sinhalas can pulldown the war-made-dog rajapaksa to beg to Tamil Tigers for a mercy.