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by harish babu on Jan 11, 2008 09:24 PM

It is not true that relations are improving.No doubt trade between the two neighbours are improving,China is able to dump junk materials in India.We have neither quality or safety norms to protect our peoples interest.
On the political friend they have been intimidating us in several fronts.They have studied the weakness of our leaders and are exploiting the situation to the hilt.Our leaders are too timid and virtually crawl infront of their chinease counterpart.
We recognised Tibet as an integral part of China without any concessions in return.Our leders and diplomats jumped with joy when China
stopped making claims on little Sikkim!
In addition to more than 66000 sq.kms of our territory held by them they want the whole of Arunachal Pradesh and other claims in Himachal and Ladakh!Actually China is controlling the present government thru their chelas the CPM.

It is a pity that we donot realise the that China respects only might.The sooner we equip with adequate stockpile of nuclear weapons and make it clear that we will use it if necessary,only then they will respect us and stop making claims over further territorry.

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India, China have more consensus