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Attn: Mr. Sheriff
by kapil on Jan 02, 2008 10:42 AM

Iam sorry to say that your life is in danger...but seems terrorist do not want to kill but Mush want to kill you so take care...Meanwhile you should understand the real problems in Pak...If you in any chance become PM again please do the following immediatly otherwise no guarantee on your life..

1. You should detach ISI from Army
2. You dont need a high powered ISI, a normal intelligence agency is enough..India never going to attack you until you attack India..Chinese are your friends so actually you are wasting money to feed ISI.
3. Tell people that Pak should be a developed country like India in 2020.
4. Watch all Madrasas and tell them not to teach hatred..
5. Oil exploration will do good for Pak and the world..invite more foreign companies
6. Build more power plants and sell power to neighbouring countries
7. Build gas pipeline to Iran and sell those gas to India at some more higher price. You can even sell this to Nepal, Bhutan and China
8. Revive your own Sugar factories and start making Ethanol. Make ethanol compulsory doping (5%)
9. you have lot of talented Software guys, invite foreign co's, develop a city like our Bangalore
10. Since you have lot of agricultrual land give importance to them and next big thing in the world is Agri...

for further details contact me at kapilsingh2005 at gmail dot com

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Sharif slams Musharraf again