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Why blame China!! I am racially abused in India regularly!!!!
by exoticbronze on Sep 17, 2009 10:43 AM

Guys, please dont blame the chinese.

In India, I am called names and my culture, my language, my appearance is ridiculed and insulted. When ever I go to North India, I am called ethnic slurs by north Indians. In Delhi I was once told to get out of Delhi and go back to south. When I protested that I am an Indian, one north Indian guy told his friend in hindi....(This south indian is lecturing us. Seems to be a huge patriot. Wait till I give him a kick, see how he forgets his patriotism and learns to keep his mouth shut in Delhi.)

I have been called 'a_su_ra' and 'hab_shi' by my fellow citizens in North India. I have been told that (You south indians are upto no good. Those Pakistanis are way better than you south indians). And this has been my experience in New Delhi and NCR regions....the capital of the Country and surrounding areas!

I have interacted with a Chinese people in my trips abroad to Hong Kong, Silicon Valley, Europe and the Middle East. I have found them to be very hardworking and nice people. The one thing I noticed about all the Chinese people is they never take part in talking ill about others and dont gossip at all. I have received respect and love from the Chinese, and insults from my North Indian brothers.

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