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China knows weakness of Indians
by Sincere Citizen on Feb 13, 2008 01:28 PM

Chinese and for that matter many other countries know the weakness of Indian people for power and money. It is this weakness that is used to their advantage and our disadvantage.
While the Indian politicians and govt. have absolutely know idea and strategy on dealing with thie neighbours in matters of border disputes , China seems to be focussed on expanding its territory without any regards to history or anyone else.
Same thing about the Pakistan which brazenly lays claim on Kashmir and anything else they think is easy to usurp.
Same thing with Bangladesh which brazenly sends its poor people across border and our law makers allow it for vote bank reasons.

Instead of blaming the Chinese and Pakistanis and the entire world for our misfortune we should ask why our own leaders and govt. cannot unite and have a common agenda and plans on matters related to homeland security and foreign affairs.
Is party politics and elections so important that we can neglect this country and its security ?

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