mumbai's latest problem
by Sanjeev Gupta on Feb 07, 2008 05:50 PM
I beleive whole of India is for Indians. Today country faces pseudo issues of caste politics and regionalism. None of the politician has shown inclination towards basic issues which country faces at large like "resource imbalance" which is not due to existance of different states or cultures but "ever increasing population". India will face "real" civil war (forget about Thackerays, bihari's marathis) due to shortage of water due to population density in the country, dimishing agricultural output, change of weather cycles etc. So friends if Raj Saheb really wants to do something for Mahrashtrians he should come forward and be a true leader in addressing long term REAL ISSUES. Show your mettle Mr. Raj. It is easier to be a politician but difficult to be a leader.