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goonda act
by R Balasubramanian on Feb 07, 2008 07:02 PM

Arrest him under Goonda Act inciting violence and hatred. Spineless and sadist Maharashtra Government enjoying the agony of innocent poor people who have been striving hard for their daily earning.
It is absurd and crude for the devil Raj to utter Mumbai cannot accommodate Immigrants. In which country Maharashtra is? Is it not in India? What do he think. Is he the savior of Marathis? Let him think of the Marathis spread around in the rest 26 states of India and their fate if all other states resort to his tactics.
BJP and other political parties should disband their associations with Shiv Sena to save their dignity and self respect. The world laughs at us and if Churchill would have been alive he would have patted himself back as to why he vehementaly opposed giving indpendence to India.

Balu - Bangalore

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Raj arrest: State seeks legal advice