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RE:Inside the mind of Raj Thakrey
by Desi on Feb 08, 2008 10:24 AM


Raj does not have so much brain..As laloo said, he is kid in politics. But I sort of agree with your view.

BTW, How much ever we ridicule leaders of Bihar and UP but these two states are once again leading the change that we need to bring in our country. These are the only two states where lower caste politicians are heads of state(Lalu/Nitish/Paswan/Mayawati/Mulayam). The first generation of these leaders may not look like development oriented but development in so called more developed states is also a myth. If Sensex touches 20k or Bangalore become hub of IT. The lower caste in these states are still working as Janitor or auto driver. You can not find a single lower caste people running a business in any of these states. Bihar/UP had similar problems 20 yrs back but not now. That's called real development and the right step toward India of 21st century

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