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Inside the mind of Raj Thakrey
by Kumar on Feb 08, 2008 09:48 AM

Raj Thakrey and his sena is playing a very dangerous game against the dalits of India. Raj Thakrey and the RSS walas are clearly seeing that the dalit from Maharashtra are already converted to or are about to convert to Buddhism. The states of MP, Chattisgarh and UP are next in the list of conversion to Buddhism. The anti-Indian brahminical elements are against the dalit getting political and social power. They can see the converted Buddhist's pride on visiting the Buddhist centers in Bihar and eastern UP, Gaya, Patna, Sarnath, Kushinagar, Magadh and Vaishali. A pride that reiterated their decision to stay Buddhist and compete against the casitiest world around them. This makes Raj Thakrey and the Brahminical elements insecure hence they have hatched this sinister plan to create a wedge between Bihari/UP and Maharashtrian. They want the people from Bihar and UP to mistreat the Buddhist piligrims from Maharashtra so that the glory of Buddhist legacy is not accessable to the neo-buddhists and brahminism triumps over India and perpetuates the caste system. I appeal to all the true native sons and daughters of India to see through the evil game played by the Bhraminical elements and don't fight with our fellow countrymen based on place of birth and caste. Kill the caste system to bring the dead India alive!

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