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How will people react?
by Manohar on Feb 07, 2008 04:18 PM

How will Tamils react if they are made a minority in Chennai?

How will Telugus react if they are made a minority in Hyderabad?

How will Oriyas react if they are made a minority in Bhubaneshwar?

How will Bengalis react if they are made a minority in Kolkata?

How will Kannadigas react if they are made a minority in Bangalore?

How will Punjabis react if they are made a minority in Patiala or Jalandhar?

How will Malayalis react if they are made a minority in Cochin or Tiruvananathapuram?

How will Rajasthanis react if they are made a minority in Jaipur?

How will Bhaiyyas react if they are made a minority in Kanpur or Lucknow and how will Biharis react if they are made a minority in Patna?

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