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Lets salute such heroes and put our own pettiness aside
by ABDUL JABBAR on Feb 05, 2008 03:54 PM

Reading some of the comments, it is unfortunate that people start discussing politics, religion, ethnicity, regionalism, everything under the sun, except to put such pettiness aside and salute such a hero.

There is a famous saying by a famous person, "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country!". Thinking of this and thinking of Subedar Chuni Lal, I feel ashamed that I have done nothing for my country. I cannot hope for what others may want, but for me, I hope I can emulate Subedar Chuni Lal to whatever level I can, and be a better person, a better Indian.

Jai Hind Subedar Chuni Lal. You have protected our borders, you have protected our homes, you have protected our lives. To you and to all other brothers and sisters in our army, navy and airforce, we truly owe a lot. Thank you.

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