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Re: Blame game
by bsv gopal on Aug 30, 2008 03:55 PM

Yes, the vision of AB Vajapyee about interlinking of rivers is the only option. Only GOD knows when these politicians like Lalu Yadav realize this. When Vajapyee mooted the idea of interlinking of rivers, Lalu was the first person to jump in protest of this idea. The reason is simple. If there is a calamity like what has happened now in Bihar, Lalu will pocket 95% of amount sanctioned by Centre. He thought he will rule Bihar for ever and since floods in Bihar are a routine yearly affair, his and his family's coffers will swell every year. But unfortunately he lost the elections. The situation in Bihar started to improve under Nitish's government but he should alse realize now that interlinking of rivers will help in controlling the flood waters and at the same time provide water to drought hit areas of Bihar. Centre should immediately think of interlinking of rivers throught the country

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
''Tsunami of Bihar'': The blame game