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RE:The Bible says
by chaddi wala on Aug 05, 2008 07:41 PM

Hinduism cannot save because it worships the wrong God, follows the wrong religious authority, seeks the wrong destiny, and teaches the wrong ways to achieve that destiny. True salvation can be found only in Jesus Christ. It can be understood only through the gospel of Jesus. And it can be obtained only by faith and obedience to Jesus' teaching.

Again, Hindus offer no objective evidence that their teachings were revealed by God or that their Scriptures are truly divine. They may try to show they are reasonable, but mainly they urge you to try it to see if you find it satisfying. If you get hooked emotionally on it, like other experiential religions, you will not likely listen to reason. But there is no valid evidence why anyone should believe it.

Only the Bible offers consistent reasonable evidence to convince the unbeliever that it is truly revealed by God. That evidence is found in fulfilled prophecy, eyewitness testimony of miracles, the resurrection of Christ, etc. Only in Christ can we have assurance for our faith.

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Bible with reference to Hindu scriptures