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by Guest on Aug 05, 2008 03:49 PM

Dear Friend,
this matter is neither about people from kerala, nor about money. if you do state that Jesus as a dead jew on a stick, you have by the same logical source of information every reason to believe that he has also risen from the dead & is no longer dead but alive.
The Bible says that God wants all people (irrespective of their caste, creed, color or origins) to repent and be saved from sin.
In fact never did Jesus profess he had come to establish the religion Christianity but it is written in the bible that his followers came to be known as Christians.
So, when u allege Christians with their misdemeanors, please do not generalise, I do agree that there are black sheeps with wrong motives even among christians.
Jesus is interested in nothing else but the change in an individuals heart, change in his character into a noble one.

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Bible with reference to Hindu scriptures